Monday, 4 May 2020

My Favourite Animal

My favourite animals are a Giraffe and a Cheetah. 
Giraffes only have 7 neck bones.  That is the same amount as a human but giraffes are a lot longer.   Giraffes are found in the dry savannas of Africa, where they roam among the open plains and woodlands.   Within 30 minutes the baby giraffes can stand and only hours later they”re able to run with their mothers.

Cheetahs are the fastest land animal.   Female Cheetahs give birth to 2-8 cubs. Nearly all wild cheetahs can be found in sub-Saharan Africa, where they roam open, grassy savannah plains and open forests.

What is your favourite animal?


  1. Hi Renny, you've told me some interesting facts about giraffes and cheatas. Good researching. One of my favourites is the Elephant. They are very family orientated and look out for each other. My friends went to Africa last year and they were so lucky they got to photograph Giraffes Cheatas and Elephants in the wild

    1. Hi Chris, thanks for your comment. When i was little I saw an elephant at Auckland Zoo but I can't really remember the trip but I have a photo. Have you seen them at zoos or in the wild? I might put up a quiz so if you want to do it you can. Renny

    2. I have seen elephants in the zoo and also in the circus. A quizz would be great Renny

    3. Hi Chris I do not like circus if they have animals because I think it is cruel. I think that the animals deserve to be in the wild or at the Zoo. Renny

  2. They must be big neck bones in a giraffe Renny, as they have really long necks. that is very interesting.

    1. Thanks Naomi for your comment. Did you know they clean their ears with their tongue. Mrd Hickford thinks I should do a quiz. I might do that this afternoon so you could have a try if you like. Renny

  3. Hi Renny

    What interesting facts you have found about your favourite animals.

    I did not know that a giraffe only had seven neck bones. I did know that their tongues are blue, and that only young giraffes make a sound. I wonder why that is? Apparently adult giraffes sleep standing up and only for five minutes at a time. That is not a very long rest! Why do you think that may be?

    The information you have found out would be really good to use in a quiz. Do you think you could make a quiz with the facts you have found out about your favourite animals? Perhaps you could share it with your friends in class and see if they can guess the animals.

    Have you ever been to Orana Park in Christchurch? They have lots of very different and interesting animals there. I went there most recently to see the gorillas. They are really amazing. I always struggle with the idea of keeping animals in cages for people to look at. I know that if we did not then people would not know so much information about the animals and then they would not value these animals in the wild. But another part of me says that animals should not be kept in cages, but allowed to roam free. I think the best thing about Orana Park is that the animals are well cared for and pens they are kept in are large. What do you think? Should we keep animals in zoo's?

    I wonder how the animals are reacting to having no visitors now Orana Park is closed because of the virus?

    Mrs H

    1. Hi Mrs Hickford.
      We think they don't sleep long because of predators, we saw that on a giraffe video yesterday.
      Last year I went to Orana Park for my birthday and I fed the giraffes. I agree with you about zoos but I am glad they have big enclosures at Orana Park. If we didn't have zoos some endangered animals would no longer be around in the world because of people who hunt endangered animals and because their habitats are getting destroyed by trees and jungles getting chopped down. I don't like circus that have animals because i think that is cruel because they make them do tricks and they deserve to be in the wild or cared for in Zoos.
      I think that animals at Orana Park having no visitors would be finding it different as they are use to having visitors but they are still being looked after by the zoo keepers so that is good. Nana told me that Orana Park have been raising money to help feed the animals because if there is no visitors to the zoo they won't be getting the money to buy the food for the animals. Renny

  4. Hi Renny
    I remember that a giraffe was one of your favourite animals last year in Ruma Tui, so that's cool it's still on the list! Have you seen the giraffes at Orana Park in Christchurch? When I went on school camp to Woodend, with my son Jack, we fed the giraffes at Orana Park. I remember sending pictures to your class at the time, Ruma Kotuku. Gosh, the time as flown!

  5. Hi Jackie. Yes still my favourite animal but Cheetah as well. I went to Orana Park last year for my birthday. We fed the giraffes and their tongues were very long. Renny


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