Monday, 11 May 2020

School At Home

Having school at home has been very diffrent. I am looking forward to going back to school because I want to be able to see my friends and I like doing school at school not at home.  I am exitied to go back to school. We have been doing lots of hangouts.  We have been doing Reading Writting Cybersmart and Maths hangouts.  My mum said we are going back to school soon but it will mean we have to not hug our friends and make sure we wash our hands.  I am glad we are going back soon. 


  1. Yes, It will be great to go back to school and see our friends Renny. Did you see the song at Whanau time this morning? What is the best part of being at home during lockdown?

    1. Hi naomi I did see the song. Ummm Getting to see mum and dad why I am doing school at home and talking to my freinds on mums phone. What has been the best part for you?

  2. Hi Renny
    Yes, it will be good to be back at school. I am sure that I will hear you and Lucy giggling really soon!

  3. Hi Renny. I know you are looking forward to seeing your friends and am sure you will love running around the playground and fort. I think Jackie is correct, she will definitely hear you and Lucy giggling. My friend Tracey and I use to be the same at school and still are now when we get to see each other. I will miss having you and Finnian at home and I think my math got better or quicker since I have been practising with you. Love Mum


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