Friday, 29 May 2020

The Fort

I love the fort because it is a good place to hide and play games. My favourite place in the fort is up the back where the fence is. Me, Lucy and Olivia play spy's. I also like climbing up the big hill. The fort is fun. I love running around the fort. Sometimes I slip over in the fort.  The fort is great for running, spying and hiding.  It is one of my favourite places.🌿🌿 This is a picture of the fort.


This is my animation.  This is my first time making an animation. My animation is about To make my animation I had to make a slide show. I chose a background and some characters. Then I had to duplicate the slides. I used the arrow keys to move the characters.  Once I had done my animation I had to Publish my slide show to the web. Then I put in the HTML code. We had to change the code and the speed. I learnt How to put a slide show on my blog. Did you enjoy my animation?

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Soft Toys

 This week we can bring a soft toy to school. This is my soft toy.  He is called Gilbert. I have had him for nearly 2 years. Gilbert goes everywhere with me because he is attached to my backpack. He does not go with me on the weekend. We are going to have a picnic with our soft toys on Friday. We can share our lunch with them. There are lots of different soft toys in my class and at school.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Football Rules

                                                     These are some rules of Football.

Story Map

                                           This is my story map. It is a story called Bok Choy. 

Friday, 22 May 2020

Passion Project

This is my Passion Project. It is about animals. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜€                         

My Favourite Thing's About School

My favourite thing about school is being able to see my friends. I love playing together. I like playing on the stilts. My best friends are Lucy, Olivia and Sofia. I like going on the flying fox.  I like both of the playgrounds because the old playground is a fun obstcale course but I also like the new playground because it is great for busted. I like the monkey bars on the old playground because it swings when you are on it.  I like learning at school. I like to have challenges. My favourite subject is reading. I like reading because story's with problems are exiting. I love to read and play with my friends.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Munchy The Sheep

 Munchy is a new pet sheep. He is about the same age as Nibbles. He was once sick and lost lots of his wool. Now he is healthy and his wool has grown back. His wool is different from all of the other sheep. He follows Nibbles around. His favourite food is sheep nuts and broadleaves. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Do you have a pet?πŸ˜ΌπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ–πŸ– 
This is a picture of him.
                                                                This is Munchy.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020


This is a tangram. I had a selection of shapes and then I had to fill in the black. I could flip and roatate shapes.   I found doing the tangrams hard.  It was challenging because we had an amount of shapes and we could not make more.    Have you done a tangram before?                                                                                                                       

Monday, 11 May 2020

School At Home

Having school at home has been very diffrent. I am looking forward to going back to school because I want to be able to see my friends and I like doing school at school not at home.  I am exitied to go back to school. We have been doing lots of hangouts.  We have been doing Reading Writting Cybersmart and Maths hangouts.  My mum said we are going back to school soon but it will mean we have to not hug our friends and make sure we wash our hands.  I am glad we are going back soon. 


These are some tips about chromebooks and how to be safe on them.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Sign Language

These are the letters in Sign Language. I am trying to learn my name in sign language. I am going to practise every day.   Do you know your name in sign language? 

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Underwater Animals Quiz

 This is a quiz about underwater animals.  Hope you like it.

Q1  Blue whales weigh about 30 African Elephants.  True or false

Q2 Dolphins protect there beaks when they go around coral with
A) Seaweed
B) Sponge
C)  Sand

Q3 The heart beat of a seal is slower under water then it is on land.   True or false.

Q4  Pengiuns eat
A) fish
B) Krill
C) Squid
D) all of the above

Q5 Sea turtles can stay underwater for weeks  True or false


Q1 False
Q2 B) Sponge
Q3  True
Q4 D) all of the above
Q5  True

My Kite

This is my kite.  We tied the bamboo togerther to make the frame. Next I traced the frame and then cut it out. Then we put building rape from dads shed. Then we drew shapes on my kite. I have a some turtles and smile faces on my kite. then we put on some ribons. I haven't been able to fly my kite because there has not been enough wind.  Have you ever made a kite?

My Pets

                                                                    This is Nibbles     
                                                                      This Is Bean
                                                                   This Is Taco

I love all of my pets.
Nibbles πŸ˜ƒ❤️❤️ Nibbles is a sheep. I have had Nibbles since he was a baby. Nibbles is very flufy He was an orphan. Nibbles is a boy. Nibbles loves food. He is the best I love him so much. 
Bean ❤️❤️😊  Bean is my pet cat. He is tabby. He loves to sleep on mum and dads bed. He loves to catch eels, birds, mice and skinks.  He is a boy. He always comes home wet. I love him. He is great.
Taco πŸ˜€❤️❤️  Taco is a cat. She has white paws. She loves to sleep on the chair in the living room. She catchs mice, skinks and birds. I love her. She is great.
Do you have any pets? If you do what are they?

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Animal Quiz

This is another quiz about animals.   Hope you like it.  What is your favourite animal?

Q1 How many types of tigers are there.
A)  4
B)  7
C) 6

Q2  A cheetahs tail makes the cheetah go off track. True or False

Q3  Are American black bears always black?   Yes Or No

Q4 Do hares live
A) underground
B) above ground
C) both

Q5  Giraffes clean there ears with there tongue  True or False

Q1 C) 6
Q2 False
Q3 No
Q4 B) above ground
Q5 True

Tuesday, 5 May 2020


This is a Quiz about animals. Hope you enjoy it.6

Q1)  Is it all most impossble for Elephants survive if there trunks are hurt.  True or false.

Q2   The name gorilla means
   A) Hairy person
   B)Smelly person
  C) Huge person

Q3  A Hummingbirds wings flap 20 time a second.  True or false.

Q4  Emperor penuins can stay under water for
 A)10 mins
B) 20 mins
C) 40 mins

Q5  All giraffes have the same patten on the skin.  True or false.


Q1 True
Q2  A)  Hairy person
Q3 False They flap 80 times a second.
Q4 B) 
Q5  False  Each one is unique.

Monday, 4 May 2020

My Favourite Animal

My favourite animals are a Giraffe and a Cheetah. 
Giraffes only have 7 neck bones.  That is the same amount as a human but giraffes are a lot longer.   Giraffes are found in the dry savannas of Africa, where they roam among the open plains and woodlands.   Within 30 minutes the baby giraffes can stand and only hours later they”re able to run with their mothers.

Cheetahs are the fastest land animal.   Female Cheetahs give birth to 2-8 cubs. Nearly all wild cheetahs can be found in sub-Saharan Africa, where they roam open, grassy savannah plains and open forests.

What is your favourite animal?