Thursday, 24 September 2020

Planting Seeds


Today Sarah came to our class room. We got into groups. I was with Sofia, Olivia, Ben, Louis and Jasper.  We got to plant some Kōwhai , and Manuka seeds. First we got told how deep to put the Kowhai seeds.  We had to put them in as deep as the seed was in height. We used popcical sticks to tell what was in the soil. Then we had to carry the pots down to the propagation tunnel. Next we did the Manuka seeds. They were tiny. We had to sprinkle the seeds over some small holes. We watered the seed with a spray bottle.  Then we carried them to the propagation tunnel again.  Have you ever planted some seeds?

Monday, 14 September 2020

Daffodil art

 This is my daffodil art. We had to colour 3 pictures in with pastels and then cut it out. The hardest part for me was doing the cutting. I liked colouring in. Next we had to stick them down on a black piece of paper. We got some paint and painted on some dots. The colours were blue white and yellow. Next we put them out to dry. We used rocks to keep them on the deck. 

Friday, 11 September 2020

Planting Kōwhai Seeds

 Today Me, Xanthe, Ben, Haki, Lincoln, and Louis planted Kōwhai seeds. There was 104 seeds. We had to put the seeds in egg cartons. Mrs Hickford soaked the seeds in water and napkins.  We had to fill the egg cartons with compost and then add the seeds. My favourite part was putting in the compost.  Next someone would put in some water.