Friday, 28 February 2020

Polyline Me

Today we had Mrs Minehin come and show us how to make a picture of ourselvess using the polyline tool in google draw.  This is my portrait..

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Treasure Map

For maths today we had to make a treasure map and mark were the treasure is. We had to make different signs for  different things.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020


For PE today we did  T - ball.   How to play  T - ball. There is 2 teams, one team is fielding and the other team is batting. The person who is batting has to hit the ball and run to the first cone and if the ball is still being chased you run to the next cone. The fielders have to get the ball and throw it to the back stop to get the runner out.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Propagation Tunnel

In the propagation tunnel has 180 flax, 12 kowhai, 99 pittosporums, 5 coprosmas and 18 five fingers.  To make sure the plants grow we have to water them every day and make sure they all get sun light.